
Introduction to CodeFrame
CodeFrame emerged from the frustration of needing to master new syntax just to initiate and build a C++ project. Its founding principle was simplicity: use `codeframe new` to generate a project, and `codeframe build` to compile it into an executable file, all without the hassle of compiler setups or configurations. The goal was to make the defaults seamlessly effective.

As CodeFrame evolved, its scope expanded. The ongoing mission is to develop a prototype that validates the thesis: a single tool can compile and manage projects across any programming language. By mastering one versatile configuration system, users gain universal project management capabilities. The emphasis is on ease of understanding and configuration, with a few consistent concepts applicable across all languages, underscoring the importance of consistency.

Open Source

The idea is to opensource the project as soon as the prototype is of a representable standard.
you will find the whole library op projects, 8 at the moment of typeing this as soon as I release the code

so keep an eye out.